"I used to live in Nepal so taking inspiration from Buddhism to bring virtual prayer wheels into a busy city space sounds great to me ! "

                                                                                                 Miriam Nelken

Light tunnel controlled by wind sensor and metro condition sensors

Art installation during the Lumière Festival in London, from the 15th to the 21st of January 2018, in the King's Cross Railway Station light tunnel.

Upperground is a light installation that aims to recall of nature in a place where the user is most removed from it. The lights in the tunnel are connected to the nearest natural park wind conditions and react to them in real time. 

The goal is to use electric lights to visualize aspects of the natural environment that we are confronted to in our every day lives.



Producer: Miriam Nelken

Production: Artichokes

Team: Cyril Laurier, Maya Benainous and Joan Sandoval.

Part of Lumiere London 2018, a four-day international light festival produced by Artichoke.